Berakhir sudah 3 mid term test : Environmental Science, Thermodynamics & Introductory Biology.
Tinggal lg 1 mid term test : Basic Instrumentation.
Lagi 2 subjek mmg tak de mid term test, tp bertimbun2 assignment sbg carry mark!

Now , all my family members are at ayah’s hometown in Kemaman. Where am I? I am in TM. I can’t go to Kemaman since I have midterm test today. So sad ah????
Actually, Ibu called me on last Thursday, and I knew that she wanted me to go to Kemaman too. Ibu asked to go back because it is the only time that all of us to gather (Ayah + Ibu + Along + Angah + Anas + Anis). Since Anis will fly to
I have only a chance to meet Anis on September 17th , the day that Anis will fly since it is public holiday for Perak due to Nuzul Alquran. Hope + pray that I’m free on that day!
I have too many commitments here, if not, for sure now I am in the bus going to Kemaman. I have group discussions for 4 assignments which are need to submit in next 2 or 3 weeks. I also have a test next week! However, the group discussions and test should not be blame. Since, THAT IS MY JOB.
As PM. Dr. Baseri Huddin said: Study, assignments, quizzes,tests and exam; THAT IS YOUR JOB AS A STUDENT!
hello dear!
1st, don't worry about the grammar. We have to start somewhere right :)
2nd, kemaman kat mana? akak pun hometown kemaman. di bukit kuang.. kot la akak kenal atok nenek raihah tu :)
take care dear :)
eh! boleh link tak? kalau boleh, akak nak link lah jugak.. senang nak baca ;)
Yup... insyaALLAH, lps ni kena rajin lg mnulis in english.Sbb tu sy suke blog hopping , bley improve ble bce n3 in english.
Kampung kat Kemaman kat area Jabur Kubur.Org kat c2 pggil Jabur. Sy bese dgr Bukit Kuang, tp x igt lak kat mne. :)
boleh k neeza. Silalah :) TQ
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