Kisah ini mungkin kisah saya. Kisah penuh peribadi. Boleh jadi tidak akan sesiapa mengerti. Juga tidak akan ada sesiapa peduli. Masing-masing dalam hidup punya cerita, mengapa mahu baca cerita orang lain? Tidak mengapa, saya cuma akan bercerita kepada yang mahu tahu. Barangkali ada pengajaran, barangkali terdapat sesuatu.~Salsabila Fahim :Tunggu Teduh Dulu: Faisal Tehrani~
Friday, September 26, 2008
Pictures On 17 Ramadhan 1429
The previous n3, i promised to show pictures when my family and I at KLIA. It is on 17th Ramadhan 1429, the day that Anis flies to Egypt.
So, for this n3, I'll post the pictures during that day!
Anas & Anis at KLIA on 17th Spetember 2008. Anis looks like 'budak skema' while Anas look like 'budak nakal' . Along's said that Anas look like budak nakal since his hair's style, shoe, jeans & the way that his wear the jeans. But for me, it is not look as 'budak nakal' coz I looked it is a style for teenagers nowadays especially for skaters! Stylo la kot..ekekeke! Of course I not totally like Anas’ style, yet I accept that as teenagers’ style as long as he wears clothes that fulfill ethics as Muslim.
kenapa dlm byk gmbr ,muka awk mcm berduka je.. =p
ye ke? ... huaahaha...mne de...mke kit mmg cm tu :)
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