This picture is taken 18 years ago. My Ayah with the twin.
Today is November 11th, Ayah's Birthday....HaPPy BiRthDay AyAh!

This picture is taken on Ramadhan 17, 1429 . My Ayah with his heroes!
Ayah is my role model!
You are the best father in the world!
Happy Birtday Ayah!
p/s: Nak tulis pjg lg tp tgh xm lah.... tk byk mse...So ayat kat atas tu walaupun pendek mengungkap penuh makna ( *_*)
Happy Birthday Ayah!! ramai hero ayah Raihah ya... :))
tq kk neeza!
Mmg ramai hero... n kalo tiga2 ade kat umah mmg meriah....
meja mkn pon jd utk men table tenis!
ayah awk lbh kacak ketika usia lbh tua..huhu..
Kita juga memperakui nya.... Hehehe!
Lebih manis ....
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