Kisah ini mungkin kisah saya. Kisah penuh peribadi. Boleh jadi tidak akan sesiapa mengerti. Juga tidak akan ada sesiapa peduli. Masing-masing dalam hidup punya cerita, mengapa mahu baca cerita orang lain? Tidak mengapa, saya cuma akan bercerita kepada yang mahu tahu. Barangkali ada pengajaran, barangkali terdapat sesuatu.~Salsabila Fahim :Tunggu Teduh Dulu: Faisal Tehrani~

Friday, December 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Since I'm in holiday, seems like every weekdays I'll publish entry, yet weekend no entry is publish due to I spend my time with my parents. I always chat with Anis who is my younger brother in Egypt by using YM. Sometimes, we prefer using Skype if we want to make a call. It is because the sound is clearer by using Skype than YM.

This entry is done to fulfill Anis request. He asked me for many times to send him the new look of our home sweet home. However, when I send via YM, it's never accomplish because the internet is so slow and it's take ample of time to upload if want to send via email.

Thus, I have decided to upload in blog.

The new look of yours bed. New bed sheet for Angah, Anas and yours mattress. Your room today look so tidy and clean since Angah so 'bersemangat' cleaned the room last night after I babbled to him every day.

These are the fishes that I told you in YM. Angah bought last night and put it on the book shelf in your room.

Flowers. Ibu's favourite. Ibu bought new flower for the 'tempayan' in Ayer Hitam with Mak Anjang. Other flowers are still the same.

Living room. Same. Do not have any changes. Cushion, carpet and curtain still same.

Other parts in our home. It is same before you fly to Egypt.

The new things in our home.

  • WELCOME frame is bought by Along at Angsana and is place under Basmalah frame in garage.
  • 'Kayu berukir' is bought by ayah in Sarawak and is glue at the wall in garage.
  • Lamp is a present from SPACE's student in Sarawak.
  • Orchid. The orchid appear only during Hari Raya. It is ibu's routine to buy new orchid every Hari Raya and after that the orchid will 'disappear'.

That's all. Hope that it will break your longing to our home especially your room.

Huahahah... tak tau tiba-tiba terasa nak type in english, kalau ada silap tu biasalah, saya budak baru belajar, kalau salah tolong tunjukkan :) .


muhammad anis said...

huhu..rindu nye..
smart r edit pic tu..
nway..thanks coz menurut permintaan anis..hehe...
jge umah leklowk..jgn taw men blogging je taw..!! :p

Anonymous said...

lawa rumah esp living room..rasa mcm lain je berbanding time kita raya umah awk dulu..hehe..awk edit picture guna apa??

ohye,kita dah invite awk dah melalui email YM awk..kita tak tau btul ke tak emel tu..heee..

Neeza Shahril said...

lovely home... macam tengok magazine Anjung seri pulak hehee...

rajin Ibu Raihah kemas rumah..
mesti bukan Raihah kan sebab Raihah kat belajar kat TM.. hehee...

Rarai said...

req'a..ur mom minat english style sweet!~ ;)

Raihah Rosli said...


huhu...sabo lah 8 bulan je lg nak balik :)

evry week YM ngan ayah ibu.

smart eh? tgok tangan lah...
kahkahkah (gelak dgn nada jahat)


ateh tak pernah berhenti bertugas dr kemas rumah tau :p


Thanks azaty.
Memang dah lain, dah byk perubahan dr masa awk dtg dulu,yelah masa tu tahun 2004/05 sekarang 2008. Mai lah dtg umah raya haji ni :)

Edit guna photoscape. Simple dan amik masa singkat je.

Emel yg bese kita gunakan : tp tak pe nnti kite cek kat emel ym tu.

Raihah Rosli said...

Kak Neeza:

Thanks Sis.
Mcm dlm anjung seri ker? Ohhh...tidak!!!

Beselah Kak Neeza, dlm gmbr memang nmpk over dr yg real. Lg2 ble dah di'photoscape'kan. :)

Alamak Kak Neeza, kantoi ah yg bukan sy yg kemas rumah...huhu

Yup....My mom minat english stye. Tp umah kite tak lah se'english; mana pun. Sbb ada part2 rumah yg mcm rojak style :)

Raihah Rosli said...


Kite baru fhm psl emel tu. Utk blog dan segala surat menyurat kite guna emel :

So dipersilakan invite kite balik semula:P

Dan insya Allah, emel ym pun kita akan tukarkan kepada emel di atas :)

Infant's steps said...

terima kasih atas jemputan ikhlas awk utk raya haji ini...tapi maaf tak dapat hadiri sbb tgh exam time tu..heee...

skrg,saya pula menjemput awk ke 'tempat' saya.. =D

wanie sk said...

lawanya umah..hehe

cne edit gmbr2 tu?lawa..kt ni bru nk blajar edit2 gmbr,.huhu..jelez tgk org buat lawa2 especially guna 'kedaigambr' a.k.a photoshop..hehe

Raihah Rosli said...


Awat bile kite tekan die kate profile not available???

Thanks wanie.

Gambar ni kite edit gune photoscape. Simple jer dan tak secerewet photoshop.
Photoshop kite tak pandai sgt. Stkat crop n ubah2 warne boleh la kat photoshop...

Infant's steps said...

eh????awk tekan kat nama kita ke??

hm..cuba awk try bukak melalui emel yg disend ke emel awk..kalau tak pun kat traffic feed blog awk..